Mission & Strategic Plan

“I have always imagined Paradise as a kind of library.” ~Jorge Luis Borges

Our Mission

Serving the diverse needs of the community by meeting the unique needs of the individual.

Our Vision

Inspire Creativity, Embrace Community, and Cultivate Connections

Our Values

Innovation, Collaboration, Equity, Inclusion, Integrity

Strategic Plan 2023-2025

The Mukwonago Community Library Board of Trustees is proud to present the Strategic Plan for 2023-2025. It is an understatement to say that a lot has happened in the last few years. On a large scale, the COVID-19 pandemic irrevocably changed modern life, and, on a local scale, the Library experienced major changes including retirements, staff turnover, and hiring a new Library Director. This plan was created in response to these seismic shifts, focusing on gathering data about changing user preferences, assessing staffing for sustainability and expansion of services, and examining facilities to handle post-pandemic needs and community growth.

In May 2022, the Library Board formed the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), and engaged Nancy Wilhelm to facilitate SWOT analyses with both the Library staff and Library Board. The SPC conducted a community survey in September 2022, then analyzed these data and the previous plan. Director Armour was instructed to develop a final draft. The staff created a new mission statement and values. The Library Board approved the final plan in November 2022. In January 2023, the Library Board determined Operational Priorities and immediately began work on achieving the Strategic Plan goals. 

Thank you to the 402 survey respondents, the Library Staff, the volunteer SPC, and the Library’s stakeholders who provided the input that was essential to crafting this plan.